

Always love your Mother


Always love your Mother because you will never get another.


Your Mother is the only person in the world who doesn't have time to pray her-self because she's always busy Praying for you.


No matter how old I get, I always want my Mom when I don't feel good.


Love your Mother, the most beautiful person on this earth. Our best critic, yet our strongest supporter.


Always love your Mother because you will never get another.


My Mother is a woman like no other. She gave me life, nurtured me, taught me, dressed me, fought for me, held me, shouted at me, kissed me, but most importantly she loved me unconditionally. There are not enough words to describe just how important my Mother is to me and what a powerful influence she continues to be. Mother, I love you.


A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest.


Call your Mother. Tell her you love her. Remember you're the only person who knows what her heart sounds like from the inside.


Dear Mom, Because of you I am what I am today. Thank you. I love you.


I believe in love at first sight, because I've been loving my MOM since I opened my eyes.


A Mother is someone who will always support you when you need it.


Definition of Mother: The greatest unconditional and infinite love we will ever experience in our existence... Home is where your Mom is.



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